Joan Hauck

Joan Hauck has been a Marin County resident, responding to its natural beauty by making art in one form or another, for almost forty years. Landscape painting en plein air, is her focus.

The idea that art is a metaphor for life is not new. But out there with the brush in hand, furiously trying to get the paint on the canvas to catch the special luminosity or the elusive color that changes as the sun moves across the sky, the reality of that idea strikes her over and over.

She paints with a plan, but with passion and a willingness to embrace change as it appears. A painting which proceeds with each brush stroke precisely placed according to plan is like a life lived without gusto or the joy of discovery.

Her recent work reflects the pleasure of the buttery oil paint and the feel of the brush in hand. She focuses on the way that the changing light affects the color and texture of the grasses, water and trees, evoking a remembered moment or mood.

Her work has been shown regularly in exhibitions and several restaurants and cafes in Marin County.



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