Gerald O'Connell

Born in London in 1951, Gerald O'Connell holds degrees in Economics from Cambridge University and in Philosophy from the University of London. His work is instinctively eclectic and deliberately diverse, spanning a wide variety of traditional and digital media and often combining the two in complex iterative processes. A broad representation of his work can be seen at the Kurai Hoshi Gallery website he has operated since April 1997.

His major preoccupation as an artist is to transcend the limitations imposed by socio-cultural assumptions and heritage, while retaining the technical armoury bequeathed by them. This quest is occasioned by a desire to build a clarity of vision that combines the intuition of innocence with the strength of knowledge.

He is currently engaged in two long-term projects:

'Flux Aeterna' - a philosophical enquiry into the nature of change and movement, conducted within graphic parameters;

'Omniverse' - an exploration of the possibilities of the website as an artistic medium in its own right.



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