E. J. Predika
live in Moriarty, New Mexico. A small town, about thirty miles east
of Albuquerque and fifty miles south of Santa Fe. I've lived in New
Mexico for forty years and been in the arts practically my entire life.
work is traditional in style and Southwestern in theme. I publish my
own prints and do commissioned artwork for others. If your interest
is a commercial project, a portrait or restoration of a family photo.
Any request for an estimate or additional information is always welcome.
of the Giclée print's shown in this electronic studio. Have been
developed from start to finish, using today's computer and printing
technology. Fifteen years ago I began exploring the computer's potential
for creating art. Four years ago I got serious about the experiment.
Today, I've become one of an emerging new breed of artists. Artist's
applying skills and knowledge to a new art medium. Instead of brush,
paint, and canvas; it's now pixels, bytes, and light. But art is still
art....and it requires the same old energy, effort, and skill it always
has....computer or no computer.
introductory comments aside, may I close with this colloquialism by
an old rancher friend of mine. He said; Gene!....always remember; there's
great power in words....just don't hitch too many of them together!
hope you find my work interesting. If you have questions, an e-mail
message to me (Predika Studio) will bring you a quick response. Thanks
again for stopping by.