PiCosm > PiCard
All together now!
Consolidate your everything with a PiCard
Whether you're an individual or a business location, a PiCard is a hub for all your contact details, street addresses, social media links, search tags and more. To protect your privacy, you can specify
who sees
what on your PiCard. Ours is at

Your Pi is your everything
Status you
Businesses and those in the skills trade - It is helpful to let people know if you are available or open NOW! The clock styled status icon on your PiCard appears green when you're Open/Available or red if you're not. To change it or leave a short message to your contacts at the top of your PiCard, simply login to PiCosm where there is a STATUS control conveniently situated at the top of your account dashboard.
This says you're OPEN/AVAILABLE
Be found, your way
People view your PiCard by inputting your unique Pi into the search field at picosm.com or directly via URL, such as picosm.com/742676. For those who don't know your Pi, keyword searching saves the day. To protect your privacy, and this is the essence of PiCosm, those searching for your details will only see what you have chosen to share.
Once you have signed up for PiCosm and picked a Pi to reference your PiCard, ensure you share and display it everywhere. For example: Pi 74 26 76 or picosm.com/742676.
The future of you
Thanks to your PiCard, your Pi is all you need to share with contacts, display in your email signature and print on any physical business cards, such as the fictional one above.
See also